2023-07-12BY Immikorea

Case of issuance of D8 visa for export of scrap metal and non-ferrous metal (increased capital to a foreign-invested corporation)

D8 visa request details

00 Metal Company was established as a foreign-invested corporation three years ago and has been mainly engaged in metal mineral and nonferrous manufacturing wholesale and retail business for the past three years.

During the COVID-19 period, company operation became difficult, and while looking for a partner to improve the financial structure, Mr. A, whom I have known for a long time, decided to invest 100 million won and requested a D8 visa for Mr. A.

remittance process

Investor A completed the remittance in his and his wife’s names.

Change of foreign investment corporation documents

Since the shareholder was changed through capital increase, procedures were taken to change all corporate documents and foreign-invested company registration certificates.

sincerity of business

It was proved that the company was operating normally by attaching the export performance and remittance transaction history of the existing 00 metal company.

In order to prove that investor A worked in a related business in China, the authenticity of the business was proven by attaching a certificate of employment, etc.

Immigration office due diligence

Despite submitting a lot of data, the immigration office said they would conduct due diligence and asked the company to prepare business-related documents.

D8 visa issuance success

Due to due diligence, there was a long delay, but I explained the situation through continuous phone calls with the immigration officials, and eventually the D8 visa was successfully issued.

Due diligence is often carried out when the business is located in a rural area.

Doing due diligence can take a long time.