2022-12-24BY Immikorea


The F-5-5 green card is available to D8 visa holders who have invested $500,000 or more.

The F-5-5 Green card permanent residency is for those who have invested 500,000 USD or more in Korea to establish a foreign-invested corporation and have employed 5 or more Koreans as regular workers for 6 months or more.

In order to apply for F-5-5 large investor permanent residency, you must first obtain a D-8 investor visa to operate a business, and then change to permanent residency in accordance with the requirements below.

F-5-5 Permanent residency applying requirements after investment

  1. sole investor
  1. The applicant must be a contracting party that directly employs 5 or more Koreans as full-time workers for 6 months or more.
  2. Exclude from the headcount if the employed national is duplicated in the employment of another permanent resident applicant within the six months preceding the application date.
  2. co-investor
    1. In accordance with the “Foreign Investment Promotion Act” per investor, invest at least USD 500,000 and employ at least 5 nationals, but meet the above requirements for a single investor.
    2. When calculating the number of employees, each investor must be a different citizen.

F-5-5 Permanent Residence Procedures

Foreign Investment Report
⇒ Remit funds ($500,000+)
⇒ Establishing and registering a foreign investment corporation
⇒ Incorporation filing and business registration
⇒ Foreign-invested company registration
⇒ Issuance of D-8 visa
⇒ Meet Korean employment conditions for at least 6 months
⇒ F-5-5 Green Card Application

F-5-5 Permanent residence applying documents

  1. Foreign-invested company registration certificate, corporate registration certificate, business registration certificate
  2. Documents proving permanent employment of Korean nationals
    1. List of subscribers at the 4 major insurance business establishments, income certificate of employed Koreans
    2. Employment contract, full-time employment confirmation, etc.

F-5-5 Permanent Resident Applicants special benefits

  1. Overseas Criminal Record Exemption
  2. Exempt from means testing
  3. Exemption from the Korean language proficiency requirement

Investors with over $500,000, foreign corporations

  1. Those who have stayed for more than 3 years with a business investment D8 visa
  2. Executives and employees dispatched to a foreign-invested company who have stayed continuously for 3 years or more
  3. Required documents: Investment company registration certificate, dispatch order, certificate of employment, certificate of income amount (3 years)

Investors with over $300,000

  1. Those who employ two or more Koreans
  2. Required documents: foreign investment report, investment company registration certificate, employee employment contract, income amount certificate
  • Registered with the Ministry of Justice
  • Free consultation
  • 100% refund if visa is denied
  • An accurate consultation
  • Accurate document preparation
  • Provide sample documentation
  • An immigration agent
  • Issuance of alien registration card
  • Foreign Settlement Service
  • Consultation on Foreigners' Stay Plan
  • Corporation / Branch / Liaison Office
  • Study abroad procedures
  • A search for real estate
  • Provide samples document
  • Living services
  • Administrative Services

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