2024-11-06BY Immikorea

E7 visa job title is the most important part of hiring a foreign employee.
E7 visas are denied due to poor job selection and inability to prove the necessity of hiring a foreigner. If you are hiring a national, it doesn’t matter what you do after hiring, but if you are hiring a foreigner, it is very important to write a convincing employment reason in accordance with immigration regulations that the necessity of hiring a foreigner must be recognized to protect the national’s employment.
It is said that the key to obtaining an E7 visa is to carefully consider the education, experience, certifications, characteristics of the foreign national you want to hire, and the characteristics of the company, and then select the best job for the foreign national and write an employment reason statement that focuses on the selected job.
Click on an occupation to see the core requirements and examples of issuance by occupation
1. senior executive of an economic interest group (S110)
2. corporate senior executives (1120)
3. Business Support Manager (1212 舊1202)
4. Training Manager (1312)
5. insurance and financial managers (1320)
6. cultural, artistic, design and visual managers (1340)
7. telecommunications managers (1350)
8. other professional services administrators (1390)
9. construction and mining managers (1411)
10. managers involved in product production (1413)
11. managers of agriculture, animal husbandry, and fisheries (14901)
12. sales and sales-related managers (1511)
13. transportation managers (1512)
14. hospitality, travel, entertainment, and sports managers (1521)
15. food service managers (1522)
1. life sciences professionals (2111)
2. natural science professionals (2112)
3. social science researchers (2122)
4. computer hardware technicians (2211)
5. telecommunications engineering technicians (2212)
6. computer systems designers and analysts (2221)
7. system software developers (2222)
8. application software developers (2223)
9. web developer (2224 舊2228)
10. data specialist (2231 舊2224)
11. Network Systems Developer (2232 舊2225)
12. Information Security Specialist (2233 舊2226)
13. architect (2311)
14. Architectural Engineering Technician (2312-New)
15. civil engineering specialist (2313 舊2312)
16. landscape architect (2314 舊2313)
17. urban and transportation professionals (2315 舊2314)
18. chemical engineering technicians (2321)
19. Metal-Materials Technicians(2331)
20. electrical engineer (2341 舊2351)
21. electronics technician (2342 舊2352)
22. mechanical engineer (2351 舊2353)
23. plant engineering technicians (23512 舊23532)
24. robotics specialists (2352)
25. automotive, shipbuilding, airplane, and railroad vehicle engineering specialists (S2353)
26. occupational safety and risk professionals (2364)
27. environmental engineering technician (2371 舊2341)
28. gas and energy technicians (2372 舊9233)
29. textile engineering technicians (2392)
30. draftsman (2395 舊2396)
31. nurse (2430)
32. university lecturer (2512)
33. technical instructor at an overseas technical college (2543)
34. education-related professionals (2591)
35. teachers in foreign schools, foreign educational institutions, international schools, gifted schools, etc. (2599)
36. legal professionals (261)
37. government administration professionals (2620)
38. Special Agencies Executive (S2620)
39. management and diagnostic specialists (2715)
40. finance and insurance professionals (272)
41. product planning specialist (2731)
42. travel product developer (2732)
43. advertising and public relations professionals (2733)
44. investigation specialist (2734)
45. event planner (2735)
46. international salespeople (2742)
47. technical salesperson (2743)
48. Technology Management Specialist (S2743)
49. translator-interpreter (2814)
50. announcer (28331)
51. designer (285)
52. Video Designer (S2855)
1. sales clerk in duty-free shops or Jeju English Education City (31215)
2. air transportation clerk (31264)
3. hotel receptionist (3922)
4. Care Coordinator (S3922)
5. customer service clerk (3991)
6. transportation service workers (431)
7. tourist interpreters (43213)
8. casino dealer (43291)
9. chefs and cooks (441)
10. caregiver (42111)
1. animal keeper (61395)
2. forms technician (6301)
3. halal slaughterhouse (7103)
4. musical instrument makers and tuners (7303)
5. shipbuilding welders (7430)
6. ship electrical sources (76212)
7. ship painters (78369)
8. aircraft mechanic (7521)
9. Aircraft (Parts) Manufacturers (S8417)
1. Root Industry Journeyman (S740)2. Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Skilled Tradesperson (S610)3. General Manufacturers and Builders Journeymen (S700) |
- Registered with the Ministry of Justice
- Professional Visa Consulting
- 100% refund if visa is denied
- Analysis of possibility issuing a visa
- Accurate document preparation
- Provide sample documentation
- Apply visa without reservation
- Issuance of alien registration card
- Foreign Settlement Service
- Consultation on Foreign Settlement
- Establishment of a foreign enterprise
- Foreign real estate sales/registration
- Tax consultation for foreigners
- U.S. tax returns
- Overseas Koreans' Return Immigration
- Other administrative services