2024-11-05BY Immikorea

E7비자 고용사유서

I’ve written before about why E7 visa applications get rejected.

In that article, the reasons for visa inadmissibility included: 1) choosing the wrong occupation, 2) failing to demonstrate the necessity of employment (i.e., writing the wrong employment letter), and 3) not meeting the basic qualifications.

Sample of E-7 visa reasons for employment of foreigners

E7 Visa Employment Letter: Start by Choosing an Occupation

If you don’t get the job title right in the early stages of writing your E7 visa employment letter, you will end up writing a poorly focused and unfocused letter, so choosing the right job title is the beginning of a successful employment letter.

In this article, I’m not going to explain how to write a simple, unquestionable resume that will help you choose a job. You probably don’t need to know what kind of job you want to do and what should be in the resume you need to write to get a job at a design firm after graduating from a design school. There’s no point in hiring a so-called expert for that.

This article is about “I graduated from a design program, but I should join a trading company” or “I majored in industrial engineering, but I should get a job at an internet news company”.

As industries evolve, different occupations are emerging, resulting in a variety of new jobs that are unheard of and unseen in the past. The names of majors in traditional universities are similar, but companies are required to hire foreigners for more specialized and subdivided tasks. In addition, the Immigration Practice Guidelines state that there are only 87 occupations for the E7 visa, and you must choose within the framework of these occupations. For small and medium-sized enterprises, even foreigners need to do a variety of tasks, not just one, which is why there is confusion in choosing an occupation.

So, how do you make the right job choice and write an employment letter accordingly?

Choosing a career is all about storytelling

The key to writing an E7 visa employment letter is storytelling.

Here’s an example. Alibaba leases a warehouse in Korea and wants to hire someone to manage it. What type of job should you apply for? Some people will tell you that you can’t apply for an E7 visa because it looks like a laborer, and some people will tell you that it’s a business support manager. Even administrators who have applied for E7 visas many times will be confused.

I would probably apply as a data specialist. If I were Alibaba, I would create a logic that there is a huge amount of goods being sent to South Korea and they need an expert to manage the data of that many goods, and I would focus on that, write an article, and submit the relevant materials.

Let’s take another example: an internet news organization that covers news about theses is looking to hire a foreigner with a master’s degree in engineering from KAIST. Which position should you apply for? The first thing that comes to mind when you hear internet news is probably advertising and public relations specialist, but it’s not related to your major.

My answer is research specialist. I will write a letter of employment with the logic that since it is a media company related to the paper, there is a need to research the paper, and that researching a paper in a foreign engineering field requires high foreign language skills and knowledge. In this case, the company actually got an E7 visa. They called 8 administrative offices, but all of them said no, and I was the only one who answered positively and referred them. What’s the difference, I think the answer is in the storytelling.

This is what we mean by storytelling in a job application: sifting through scattered information, finding the clues, creating a narrative and logic, and focusing on it.

Stories of E7 visa success in different countries

The purpose of an employment letter is to demonstrate the need for employment. Storytelling is all about making the need for employment make sense. It doesn’t matter how fancy you make it, if it doesn’t meet the core elements of the application, it will be rejected.

Even if the foreign national’s major is not an exact match for the company you are hiring, you can overcome this with the right storytelling. Add to that the company’s vision or evidence to support your story, and you’ll be well on your way to a successful E7 visa application.

Whether you need to write a letter of employment for your organization or you’re just starting out as an administrative assistant, we hope this helps.

E7 visa denied 100% Refund

We have a lot of experience with the E7 visa and can provide you with accurate advice on the possibility of obtaining an E7 visa through a preliminary review.

To date, we have a 100% success rate in getting visas granted, and we’ve had people reapply and get granted even if they were previously denied elsewhere. With this confidence, we are implementing a 100% money-back guarantee system in case a visa is not granted.

Fill out the questions below and we’ll get back to you about your E7 visa possibilities.

E7 Visa Inquiry

  • 법무부에 등록된 출입국 민원대행기관
  • 방문예약없이 즉시 비자신청
  • 비자 불허시 100% 환불
  • 다양한 사례를 통한 비자 방안 검토
  • 정확한 서류 준비
  • 샘플 서류 제공
  • 출입국사무소 대리 접수
  • 외국인등록증 발급
  • 전문자격사로 구성된 외국인 정착서비스
  • 외국인 체류 계획 상담
  • 투자법인 / 지사 / 연락사무소 설치
  • 사업 인허가 업무
  • 외국인 부동산 찾기 / 신고 / 등기
  • 정확한 서류 준비를 위한 샘플 제공
  • 재외동포 역이민 서비스
  • 관공서 행정서비스

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